

Software Engineer

Bristol, UK

Hi, thanks for visiting.

I'm a software engineer with a background in aerospace engineering, specialising in modelling & simulation. Eager to work on anything related to tech, I love it!

Think I could help you out? Let's work together.


Confident in the use of HTML5 , CSS3 and ES6/ES7 JavaScript features

Proficient in the use of Angular and Ionic to build progressive web applications using mobile-first design

Adept in the application of React & Redux to build single page applications for simplicity and speed

Experienced with the Python language and the capabilities of the Django framework in building database-driven websites

Knowledgeable of mordern workflows using Git & Webpack and the use of package managers NPM & Yarn

Delved into javascript server-side language using Node.js

Familiar with the use of Firebase for databasing, authentication, hosting and cloud functions

Aquainted with the use of Jest & Enzyme testing frameworks to produce robust code

Proficient in the use of Bootstrap and Materialize CSS Frameworks to create simple and clean websites quickly


Project Name


This is my project about...




To fuel my ambition to become a software developer I pursued a training course at _nology. The course provided rapid learning & application of new coding languages, frameworks & libraries within a 12 week period. It's been a fantastic experience which has equipped me with the tools and exprience to kick start my career in tech. Click the icons to find out what I have been up to on the course...


7 year career working primarily within the fuel systems modelling and simluation department. My role involved working within a team responsible for the generation of thermal and spatial models for design, verification & certification (to FAA & EASA CS) of aircraft fuel systems.


My hobbies are quite polarised between the silicon world and the natural one. I enjoy tinkering with electronics, creating apps and playing video games but also I am a proud owner of an allotment where I grow anything I can but honestly it's mostly tomatoes...


Get In Touch

Thanks again for dropping by. For freelance work, job enquiries or a chat please get in touch using the form opposite.

Otherwise, if you want follow my progress, catch me on Linkedin or have a gander at my Github page, links provided at the bottom of this page.
